If you wish to register to buy tickets for Glastonbury, you will need to submit a photograph.
The picture must be less than 1MB size, in JPEG format.
It will also need to be portrait-shaped (ie, higher than it is wide). Landscape-shaped pictures (wider than they are high) will not be accepted.
The photo rotating and cropping tool is available when uploading your photo to the registration
website, however before you can upload and crop your photo you will need to ensure your photo
is less than 1MB in size.
See below for instructions on how to resize your pictures on PC, Mac and online.
To crop:
1. Open the Start menu
2. Choose ‘My Pictures’
3. Double click on the photo you wish to crop, this will open Microsoft Office Picture Manager
4. Select the ‘Edit Pictures’ icon
5. Select ‘Crop’
6. Select “3 x 4” in the aspect ratio box, and select the box for ‘portrait’
7. Drag the highlighted area to ensure it is covering the part of the image you wish to keep and
use the corners to reshape the box if required.
8. Click ‘okay’
9. Save this photo as a new document in ‘JPEG’ format.
To resize:
1. Open the Start menu
2. Choose ‘My Pictures’
3. Double click on the photo you wish to crop, this will open Microsoft Office Picture Manager
4. Select the ‘Edit Pictures’ the icon
5. Select ‘Resize’
6. In the ‘Custom’ section, resize the picture to approximately 300 x 400 pixels
7. Click ‘okay’
8. Save this photo as a new document in ‘JPEG’ format.
1. Select photo in iPhoto
2. Click File (at the top), and then Export
3. From Kind, select Jpeg
4. From Size, select Large
5. Click Export