The Atchin Tan / Stopping Place

The Atchin Tan / Stopping Place (Theatre and Circus Field)

Look for the Bow Top Wagon tower and you’ll find The Atchin Tan, named in honour of the now almost extinct traditional resting places and park-ups which Britain’s nomadic people have used for generations.

Now in its third year, the Atchin Tan provides a platform to raise awareness of the issues affecting Britain’s Romany, Irish Traveller, Traveller, Roma and nomadic communities. From learning about the decimation of safe stopping places, to finding out about the contribution of Travellers to Glastonbury Festival’s history.

The Atchin Tan brings together the myriad of communities for a full programme of events with award winning authors, artists and musicians.

Please do stop by the Atchin Tan.


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