San Remo

“The point was to go, and to keep on going. To chase that point at the end of the night, that moment of pure satori where any notion of the past, present and future gives way to an eternal Now. The San Remo is an interzone where dreamers, visionaries, musicians, DJs and revellers have come together to plot, to party, and to exchange testimonies on the journey thus far, following the paths of desire that poets and surrealists and spiritual hedonists forged before them in order to pay tribute to the old gods: bacchanal, vision, intoxication and dance. 

Everybody is in the place though no one is exactly sure how they got there; call it a magnetism of the blood, a recognition of the company of fellow spiritual outlaws, this place of tall tales, mythic entanglements, and fated assignations; this place you have the uncanny feeling of having visited, somewhere, once before. Or maybe that’s just how it seems now that you have arrived, that you have always been here, at this mysterious centre of the world, with a warmth and a welcome that draws poets and dreamers – our own wild twins – to secret celebration. After all, the point was to go, and to keep on going. And here we are, at the San Remo, its lights neon red in the dark of the Mexican night; a space out of time, a time out of mind, and a new centre of desire.”